主演:KevinSorbo...SheriffPrestonBiggs DominiqueSwain...Abigai
导演:StephenBridgewater(co-director) DavidS.CassSr.(co-director)
类型:剧情 西部 剧情片 地区:美国 年份:2008
时间:2024-08-01 11:08:56
狂热草原简介:擂台之上,杨凯冷冷的撇了姬无名一眼说道:虽然与你交手极大地拉低了我的身份,但为了堵住众人悠悠之口,我还是赐给了你这样一个机会,我可以让你三招,三招之内,我……你废话真多,既擂台之上,杨凯冷冷的撇了姬无名一眼说道:虽然与你交手极大地拉低了我的身份,但为了堵住众人悠悠之口,我还是赐给了你这样一个机会,我可以让你三招,三招之内,我……你废话真多,既要做……又要立牌坊,要打就赶快动手。For some, the Western trail was a destination for oppurtunity and adventure. For others, it was the centerpiece for danger and despair. When ex-lawman Preston Biggs is hired to escort a group of women suffering from prairie fever back to civilization, they are met by a killer gang intent on stopping their passage. With a seemingly impossible journey ahead, the group finds one l...详情